Why do cats purr? Discover the surprising reasons behind it.

Why do cats purr? Discover the surprising reasons behind it.

What is a Cat Purr?

A cat purr is a low-frequency sound that cats make when they’re happy, content, or sleeping. It’s usually described as a soft rumbling noise, similar to the sound of a small engine running. Some cats purr loudly and continuously, while others do it more quietly and intermittently.

The Science Behind Cat Purrs

There is still some debate about what exactly causes cats to purr. However, scientists have identified several theories that may play a role.

One theory is that purring helps regulate a cat’s body temperature. Cats are ectothermic, which means they need to maintain their body temperature through external sources of heat. Purring may help generate heat by increasing blood flow to the muscles and organs, which in turn raises the cat’s internal temperature.

Another theory is that purring helps relieve stress and anxiety. Cats are known to be highly sensitive creatures, and they can become easily stressed by changes in their environment or routine. Purring may help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels, making cats feel more relaxed and comfortable.

A third theory is that purring helps cats communicate with each other. Cats use a variety of vocalizations to communicate, including meows, hisses, and growls. However, purring may be a unique form of communication that allows them to convey a message of contentment or friendship without being too loud or attention-seeking.

Real-Life Examples of Cat Purrs

One of the best ways to understand the power of cat purrs is to experience them firsthand. Here are some real-life examples of how cat purrs can impact people and their surroundings:

  • Stress Relief: A study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science found that listening to cat purrs for just 10 minutes can reduce stress levels by up to 38%. This is particularly helpful for people who work in high-stress environments, such as doctors and nurses, or for those who are dealing with chronic anxiety or depression.

  • Pain Relief: Some people believe that cat purrs may have healing properties, particularly when it comes to pain relief. Cats are known to be sensitive to touch and may instinctively rub their bodies against objects or people that feel good to them. This natural instinct may also help cats distribute heat and pressure evenly across their bodies, which can help alleviate pain.

  • Sleep Aid: Many people find it difficult to fall asleep at night, especially if they have a lot on their minds or are experiencing physical discomfort. Listening to cat purrs may be a natural sleep aid that helps calm the mind and body, making it easier to drift off to sleep.

How to Purr Like a Cat

While there’s no guaranteed way to make your own cat purr, there are some things you can do to encourage them to do so more often. Here are some tips:

  1. Pet Your Cat Gently: Cats love gentle petting, and it’s a great way to bond with them and make them feel comfortable. Use soft, slow movements and avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them.

  2. Provide Comfortable Surroundings: Make sure your cat has a cozy place to sleep and rest. This could be a warm bed, a scratching post, or even just a soft blanket on the floor. The more comfortable your cat is, the more likely they are to purr.

  3. Play With Your Cat: Cats love to play, and it’s a great way to stimulate their minds and bodies. Use toys like mice, balls, or feathers that your cat can chase and pounce on. This will help them feel happy and content, which may lead to more purring.


1. Why do cats purr so loudly?

Some cats purr loudly because they’re excited or happy. Others may purr loudly because they’re trying to communicate with other cats or people in their environment.

2. Is it normal for cats to purr all the time?

No, it’s not normal for cats to purr all the time. While some cats purr continuously when they’re sleeping, most cats only purr intermittently and at certain times of the day or night.

3. Do cats really understand what we’re saying to them?

It’s difficult to say whether cats truly understand what we’re saying to them, but they do respond to our voices and body language in various ways. This suggests that they may be able to sense and interpret our emotions and intentions.

4. Can listening to cat purrs really help you relax?

Yes, listening to cat purrs can have a calming effect on people and their surroundings. It’s particularly helpful for those who work in high-stress environments or are dealing with chronic stress or anxiety.

How to Purr Like a Cat

5. How do I know if my cat is happy?

If your cat is happy, they should be relaxed and content. They may rub their bodies against you or objects in their environment, playfully chase toys, or sleep soundly in a comfortable spot.