As an iOS developer, you are likely aware of the importance of securing your app’s access to user data and resources. One critical aspect of this is authorization – the process by which a user grants or denies permission for an app to access their device’s features or information.
Before diving into the specifics of app authorization on iOS 17, it’s essential to understand the underlying principles and best practices. When a user installs an app, they are prompted to grant or deny permission for the app to access their device’s features and information.
This includes permissions such as location data, contacts list, camera, and microphone. The more permissions an app requires, the less likely users will be to download it. However, some features of your app may require specific permissions to function correctly.
To ensure a positive user experience, it’s essential to request only the necessary permissions and explain why each one is required. You can also provide users with the option to revoke permissions at any time if they change their mind. Additionally, you should consider implementing an authorization flow that provides clear and concise information about the permissions being requested, as well as any potential consequences of granting or denying those permissions.
Now that we have a general understanding of app authorization on iOS 17 let’s dive into the specific steps required to secure access for your users.
Step 1: Declare Required Permissions in Info.plist File
The first step in authorizing an app on iPhone iOS 17 is to declare the necessary permissions in your app’s Info.plist file. This file contains metadata about your app, including its name, version number, icon, and permissions. To add a new permission to your Info.plist file, follow these steps:
- Open Xcode and navigate to your project’s folder.
- Right-click on the Info.plist file and select “Show in Finder.”
- Locate the “Privacy – Keychain Sharing” key and double-click it.
- Click the “+” button to add a new permission.
- Select the desired permission from the dropdown menu (e.g., “Full Access,” “Read Contacts,” etc.).
- Enter a brief description of the permission, as well as any additional information or instructions for the user.
- Save the changes and close the Info.plist file.
Step 2: Implement Authorization Flow in Your App
Once you have declared the necessary permissions in your Info.plist file, it’s time to implement the authorization flow in your app. This involves displaying a popup to the user that explains the requested permissions and provides options to grant or deny them. To implement this in your app, follow these steps:
- In your ViewController.swift file, import the AVFoundation framework at the top of the file.
- Declare a property called “authorizationStatus” of type AVAuthorizationStatus.
- Add a button to your user interface that will trigger the authorization flow when tapped.
- Implement the following code in your button’s action method:
@IBAction func requestPermissionsButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
let authStatus = AVAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: "")
switch authStatus {
case .authorized:
print("User granted permission to read contacts.")
case .denied:
print("User denied permission to read contacts.")
case .notDetermined:
print("Requesting permission to read contacts…")
AVAuthorizationManager.requestAuthorization(for: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey("NSLocalizedDescriptionKey") as NSLocalizedDescriptionKey]) { (status, error) in
if let status = status {
switch status {
case .authorized:
print("User granted permission to read contacts.")
case .denied:
print("User denied permission to read contacts.")
print("Unknown authorization status.")
} else {
print("Error requesting permission to read contacts: (error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")
In this example, we are requesting permission to access the user’s contacts list. You will need to replace “” with the appropriate permission key for the feature you want to authorize.
Step 3: Handle Permission Changes in Your App
Finally, it’s essential to handle changes in the user’s permissions in your app. This means checking the authorization status periodically and updating your app’s functionality accordingly. To implement this in your app, follow these steps:
- In your ViewController.swift file, import the AVFoundation framework at the top of the file.
- Declare a property called “authorizationStatus” of type AVAuthorizationStatus.
- Add a view to your user interface that will display a message if the user’s permissions change.
- Implement the following code in your app’s viewDidLoad() method:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Request initial authorization status
let authStatus = AVAuthorizationManager.requestCurrentAuthorization(for: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey("NSLocalizedDescriptionKey") as NSLocalizedDescriptionKey])
switch authStatus {
case .authorized:
print("User granted permission to read contacts.")
case .denied:
print("User denied permission to read contacts.")
case .notDetermined:
print("Requesting permission to read contacts...")
// Check for changes in authorization status periodically
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 60, repeats: true) { (timer) in
let authStatus = AVAuthorizationManager.requestCurrentAuthorization(for: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey("NSLocalizedDescriptionKey") as NSLocalizedDescriptionKey])
switch authStatus {
case .authorized:
print("User granted permission to read contacts.")
case .denied:
print("User denied permission to read contacts.")
print("Unknown authorization status.")
In this example, we are requesting permission to access the user’s contacts list and checking for changes in the authorization status every minute. You will need to replace “NSLocalizedDescriptionKey” with the appropriate key for the feature you want to authorize.
Securing your app’s access to user data and resources is critical to building a reliable and trustworthy app. By following these steps to authorize an app on iPhone iOS 17, you can ensure that your app only has access to the features it needs to function properly, while respecting the user’s privacy preferences. Remember to test your app thoroughly before submitting it to the App Store to ensure that it works as intended in all scenarios.